1. 用户界面设计
用户界面是音乐播放器与用户直接交互的部分,其设计需要简洁直观,易于操作,通常使用Qt Designer来设计界面,包括以下元素:
2. 媒体播放引擎
#include <QMediaPlayer> #include <QPushButton> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QWidget> class MusicPlayer : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: MusicPlayer(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QWidget(parent) { // 创建媒体播放器对象 player = new QMediaPlayer(this); // 创建播放按钮 playButton = new QPushButton("Play", this); // 连接按钮点击信号到槽 connect(playButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MusicPlayer::playMusic); // 布局设置 QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->addWidget(playButton); setLayout(layout); } public slots: void playMusic() { // 设置要播放的音乐文件 player->setMedia(QUrl::fromLocalFile("/path/to/music/file.mp3")); // 播放音乐 player->play(); } private: QMediaPlayer *player; QPushButton *playButton; };
3. 歌曲管理模块
#include <QListWidget> #include <QStringList> #include <QPushButton> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QWidget> class MusicManager : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: MusicManager(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QWidget(parent) { // 创建播放列表视图 playlistView = new QListWidget(this); // 填充示例数据 QStringList songs = {"Song1.mp3", "Song2.mp3", "Song3.mp3"}; for (const QString &song : songs) { playlistView->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(song)); } // 创建添加按钮 addButton = new QPushButton("Add Song", this); // 连接添加按钮点击信号到槽 connect(addButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MusicManager::addSong); // 布局设置 QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->addWidget(playlistView); layout->addWidget(addButton); setLayout(layout); } public slots: void addSong() { // 获取要添加的歌曲路径 QString songPath = "/path/to/new/song.mp3"; // 添加歌曲到播放列表 playlistView->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(songPath)); } private: QListWidget *playlistView; QPushButton *addButton; };
4. 歌词显示模块
#include <KineticLyric.h> #include <QLabel> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QWidget> class LyricsDisplay : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: LyricsDisplay(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QWidget(parent) { // 创建歌词显示标签 lyricLabel = new QLabel(this); // 创建布局 QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->addWidget(lyricLabel); setLayout(layout); // 初始化歌词控制器 lyricController = new KineticLyric::LyricController(this); // 加载歌词文件 lyricController->loadLyricFile("/path/to/lyric.lrc"); // 连接播放器信号到槽 connect(lyricController, &KineticLyric::LyricController::timeUpdated, this, &LyricsDisplay::updateLyric); } public slots: void updateLyric(const QString &lyricLine) { // 更新歌词显示 lyricLabel->setText(lyricLine); } private: QLabel *lyricLabel; KineticLyric::LyricController *lyricController; };
5. 系统托盘图标
#include <QSystemTrayIcon> #include <QAction> #include <QMenu> #include <QWidget> class TrayIcon : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: TrayIcon(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) { // 创建系统托盘图标 trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon(this); trayIcon->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/music_player.png")); trayIcon->setVisible(true); trayIcon->setToolTip("Music Player"); // 创建菜单 menu = new QMenu(); // 添加恢复动作 QAction *restoreAction = new QAction("Restore", this); connect(restoreAction, &QAction::triggered, [](){ /* Restore logic */ }); menu->addAction(restoreAction); // 添加退出动作 QAction *quitAction = new QAction("Quit", this); connect(quitAction, &QAction::triggered, qApp, &QCoreApplication::quit); menu->addAction(quitAction); // 设置托盘图标的菜单 trayIcon->setContextMenu(menu); } private: QSystemTrayIcon *trayIcon; QMenu *menu; };
6. 设置模块
#include <QSettings> #include <QComboBox> #include <QCheckBox> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QWidget> #include <QPushButton> #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QLabel> #include <QLineEdit> #include <QDialog> #include <QDialogButtonBox> #include <QFormLayout> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QDebug> #include <QMediaPlayer> #include <phonon/audiooutput.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/mediaobject.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/mediaservice.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerservice.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerdevicesource.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreameraudiosink.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerelementfactory.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerbuffersink.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamermediaobject.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreameraudiooutput.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreameraudiowidgets.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerformats.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamernode.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamercategories.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerphony.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamersoundmixer.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerspectrumsink.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamervisualization.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamereffects.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerequalizer.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamermetadata.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerplaylist.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerplaylistmodel.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerplaylistitem.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerplaylistitemmodel.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerplaylistitemview.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerplaylistitemcontroller.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerplaylistitemviewcontroller.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerplaylistitemviewcontrollercontextmenu.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerplaylistitemviewcontrollercontextmenuitemactions.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media module if needed. #include <phonon/backend/gstreamer/gstreamerplaylistitemviewcontrollercontextmenuitemactionsmodel.h> // Phonon is used here as an example; replace with appropriate media模块if needed.
我在用这类站群服务器、还可以. 用很多年了。