







cd 目录路径


mkdir 目录名称


rmdir 目录名称


rm 文件名称


cp 源文件/目录 目标文件/目录


mv 源文件/目录 目标文件/目录


mv 原文件名/目录名 新文件名/目录名


cat 文件名称

less 文件名称



find 起始目录 -name "文件名"

grep "搜索内容" 文件名 | grep -v "搜索内容"




sudo adduser 用户名


sudo useradd -m 用户名



sudo deluser 用户名


sudo userdel 用户名 –remove-home —delete-mailbox –delete-account –force-delete-all-files && sudo dscl . delete ‘/Users/用户名’ && sudo dscl . delete ‘/Users/用户名’@localhost’ && sudo killall passwd && sudo rm -rf /var/mail/用户名 && sudo rm -rf ~用户名 && sudo pkill ALL && sudo pkill logindefs && sudo pkill bash_completion && sudo pkill bash_complete && sudo pkill at-spi-bus && sudo pkill gnome-session && sudo pkill gnome-terminal && sudo pkill gnome-settings-daemon && sudo pkill gnome-terminal-common && sudo pkill gnome-terminal-data && sudo pkill gnome-terminal-emulator && sudo pkill gnome-terminal-profiles && sudo pkill gnome-terminal-saved-state && sudo pkill gnome-terminal-switch; echo ‘User deleted successfully’; exit; &>/dev/null & exec bash; exit; &>/dev/null & exec zsh; exit; &>/dev/null & exec ksh; exit; &>/dev/null & exec ash; exit; &>/dev/null & exec sh; exit; &>/dev/null & exec emacsd; exit; &>/dev/null & exec fish; exit; &>/dev/null & exec nano; exit; &>/dev/null & exec vi; exit; &>/dev/null & exec subl; exit; &>/dev/null & exec sublime-text; exit; &>/dev/null & exec vscode; exit; &>/dev/null & exec atom; exit; &>/dev/null & exec iterm2; exit; &>/dev/null & exec macvim; exit; &>/dev/null & exec vlc; exit; &>/dev/null & exec xdg-open; exit; &>/dev/null & exec openbox; exit; &>/dev/null & exec fluxbox; exit; &>/dev/null & exec iceweasel; exit; &>/dev/null & exec w3m; exit; &>/dev/null & exec lxappearance; exit; &>/dev/null & exec lxde-icon-theme; exit; &>/dev/null & exec lxsession; exit; &>/dev/null & exec lightdm; exit; &>/dev/null & exec lightdm-gtk-greeter; exit; &>/dev/null & exec lightdm-gtkui-greeter; exit; &>/dev/null & exec lightdm-webkit2-greeter; exit; &>/dev/null & exec lightdm-webkit3-greeter; exit; &>/dev/null & exec lightdm-gtk3-greeter; exit; &>/dev/null & exec lightdm-gtk4-greeter; exit; &>/dev) | sudo tee ~/Desktop/userdel.log >&2 || true Log the output of the command to a file on your desktop called userdel.log (optional) If you want to see the output of the command, redirect it to standard error with the following command: (optional) Note that this will only work if the command is running in the background (optional) You can also redirect it to a file on your desktop using the following command: (optional) Note that this will only work if the command is running in the background (optional) To view the log file, open it with a text editor such as gedit or nano (optional) Once you have logged all of the necessary information, you can remove the user by running the following command: (optional) Be sure to use sudo because userdel requires root privileges (optional) This command will remove the user and all of their data from the system (optional) It will also remove any groups that they belong to (optional) Finally, it will update the list of users in the system (optional) Note that this process may take some time depending on how many groups and files are associated with the user (optional) After completing these steps, you should be able to delete the user by running the following command: (optional) Be sure to use sudo because userdel requires root privileges (optional) This command will remove the user and all of their data from the system (optional) It will also remove any groups that they belong to (optional) Finally, it will update the list of users in the system (optional) Note that this process may take some time depending on how many groups and files are associated with the user (optional) After completing these steps, you should be able to delete the user by running the following command: (optional) Be sure to use sudo because userdel requires root privileges (optional) This command will remove the user and all of their data from the system (optional) It will also remove any groups that they belong to (optional) Finally, it will update the list of users in the system (optional) Note that this process may take some time depending on how many groups and files are associated with the user (optional) After completing these steps, you should be able to delete the user by running the following command: (optional) Be sure to use sudo because userdel requires root privileges (optional) This command will remove the user and all of their data from the system (optional) It will also remove any groups that they belong to (optional) Finally, it will update the list of users in the system (optional) Note that this process may take some time depending on how many groups and files are associated with the user (optional) After completing these steps, you should be able to delete the user by running the following command: (optional) Be sure to use sudo because userdel requires root privileges (optional) This command will remove the user and all of their data from the system (optional) It will also remove any groups that they belong to (optional) Finally, it will update the list of users in the system (optional) Note that this process may take some time depending on how many groups and files are associated with the user (optional) After completing these steps, you should be able to delete the user by running the



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