


Rancher Server简介

Rancher Server是一个开源的企业级容器管理平台,它可以简化Kubernetes集群的部署、管理和扩展,Rancher Server提供了一个统一的界面,用于管理多个Kubernetes集群,包括创建、删除、更新和监控集群,Rancher Server还支持多种云服务提供商,如AWS、GCP和Azure等,使得用户可以在不同的云环境中部署和管理容器应用。

迁移Rancher Server的基本步骤

1、备份当前的Rancher Server数据

在迁移Rancher Server之前,首先需要备份当前的Rancher Server数据,这包括Kubernetes集群配置、镜像仓库、Ingress规则等,可以使用rancher backup命令进行备份,

rancher backup --rancher-url=<Rancher服务器地址> --rancher-key=<API密钥> --output=backup.tar.gz --namespaces=default,system

2、安装新的Rancher Server环境

在新的服务器上安装Rancher Server,可以参考Rancher官方文档进行安装:https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/installation/install-options/

3、导入备份数据到新的Rancher Server

将备份文件(如backup.tar.gz)传输到新的服务器上,然后使用rancher import命令导入数据,

rancher import --rancher-url=<新Rancher服务器地址> --rancher-key=<API密钥> --backup backup.tar.gz --namespaces=default,system


在新的Rancher Server中查看Kubernetes集群的状态,确保集群正常运行,检查Ingress规则是否已经生效,如果一切正常,那么迁移工作就完成了。


1、如何解决Rancher Server无法连接到Kubernetes API的问题?


确保新的Rancher Server实例可以访问Kubernetes API所在的网络。

检查Kubernetes API的访问权限设置,确保Rancher Server实例具有正确的认证信息。

如果使用的是自定义的Kubernetes API服务器,请确保其配置正确。

2、如何解决Rancher Server无法自动发现Kubernetes集群的问题?


确保Rancher Server实例的--kubeconfig参数指向正确的Kubernetes配置文件。

如果使用的是自定义的Kubernetes API服务器,请确保其支持自动发现功能,通常情况下,可以通过在API服务器上启用CORS策略来实现自动发现,可以在API服务器的响应头中添加以下内容:


Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS


3、如何解决Rancher Server无法同步镜像仓库的问题?


确保新的Rancher Server实例可以访问镜像仓库所在的网络。

检查镜像仓库的访问权限设置,确保Rancher Server实例具有正确的认证信息。



location ~* .(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|svg)$ {

proxy_pass http://registry.example.com;

proxy_set_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;

proxy_set_header Content-Type image/png;

proxy_set_header Content-Type image/gif;

proxy_set_header Content-Type image/svg+xml;

proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;

proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

proxy_read_timeout 90; seconds before timing out request for client data. (default = 60)

proxy_send_timeout 90; seconds before timing out request for client data. (default = 60)

proxy_buffering off; disable buffering when proxy is used in front of fast server like Nginx or Apache HTTP server. (default = on)

proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504 http_505 http_506 http_507 http_508 http_509; set the upstream servers that may be returned to the client if the upstream server is down or an invalid response is received from the upstream server. (default = off)

add_header X-Proxy-Cache $upstream_cache_status; Add X-Proxy-Cache header to let the client know about cache status of the current request. (default = off)

add_header X-Proxy-Cache-Lookup $upstream_cache_lookup; Add X-Proxy-Cache-Lookup header to let the client know about lookup status of the current request. (default = off)

add_header X-Proxy-Cache-Hit $upstream_cache_hit; Add X-Proxy-Cache-Hit header to let the client know about hit status of the current request. (default = off)

add_header X-Proxy-Cache-Miss $upstream_cache_miss; Add X-Proxy-Cache-Miss header to let the client know about miss status of the current request. (default = off)

add_header X-Registry-Download $upstream_response_time; Add X-Registry-Download header to let the client know about download time of the current request. (default = off)

add_header X-Registry-Upload $upstream_upload_time; Add X-Registry-Upload header to let the client know about upload time of the current request. (default = off)

add_header X-Registry-Poll $upstream_poll_time; Add X-Registry-Poll header to let the client know about poll time of the current request. (default = off)





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