什么是 Serverless?
Serverless 是一种新型的计算模式,它将应用程序的开发、部署和运维工作抽象为三个核心功能:函数(Function)、存储(Store)和网络(Network),在这种模式下,开发者只需要关注业务逻辑的实现,而不需要关心底层的基础设施,Serverless 架构可以大大降低企业的 IT 成本,提高开发效率。
Serverless CI/CD 自动化部署的优势
1、无需手动配置服务器:Serverless 架构自动管理底层基础设施,开发者无需关心服务器的配置和维护。
2、按需付费:Serverless 服务按实际使用的资源计费,避免了传统架构中资源闲置和浪费的问题。
3、高度可扩展:Serverless 架构可以根据业务需求自动扩展或收缩资源,满足不同阶段的业务需求。
如何进行 Serverless CI/CD 自动化部署?
1、选择合适的云服务商:首先需要选择一个支持 Serverless 服务的云服务商,如 AWS、阿里云、腾讯云等。
3、配置 Git 仓库:将代码托管到 Git 仓库,如 GitHub、GitLab 等,在 Git 仓库中配置 CI/CD 流程,以便在代码提交时自动触发构建和部署。
4、安装 CI/CD 工具:根据所选云服务商的支持情况,选择合适的 CI/CD 工具,如 AWS CodePipeline、GitHub Actions、GitLab CI/CD 等,在项目根目录下创建一个 .ci/
文件夹,用于存放 CI/CD 配置文件。
5、编写 CI/CD 配置文件:根据所选 CI/CD 工具的文档,编写相应的配置文件,包括源代码仓库地址、构建触发器、构建步骤、部署步骤等,对于 AWS CodePipeline,可以编写如下 pipeline.yml
version: 1 parameters: sourceRepository: ${CODEBUILD_SOURCE_REPO_URL} baseImage: nodejs12.x stages: name: Build steps: name: Build application code command: npm install && npm run build name: Upload built package to S3 bucket step: uploadArtifactToS3Bucket artifacts: name: builtPackage path: path/to/built/package inputArtifacts: name: sourcePackage path: path/to/source/package actions: name: uploadArtifactToS3BucketActionType type: AmazonS3$PutObjectAction.v1 actionEndpoint: https://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucketname/action/uploadArtifactToS3Bucket/AWSLambda_1.0.0.lambda_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.zip/$(inputArtifactAt)(default).zip inputs: name: inputArtifactAt key: path/to/source/package/*.zip locationNamePattern: S3LocationConstraint=us-west-2,bucket=mybucketname,prefix=path/to/built/package/*.zip lambdaPayloadFormatVersion: '1.0' outputArtifacts: name: builtPackageInS3BucketPathAndNameFormatStringKeyPrefixedWithOutputArtifactNameAndSuffixWithTimestampAndBuildNumber_$(outputArtifactName)_$(timestamp)_$(buildNumber)/$(inputArtifactAt)(default).zip locationNamePattern: S3LocationConstraint=us-west-2,bucket=mybucketname,prefix=path/to/built/package/*.zip/*.zip lambdaPayloadFormatVersion: '1.0' runtimeOptions: RuntimeOption=nodejs12.x or any other runtime option for the base image you have chosen (e.g. nodejs10.x) outputArtifactsPathsMapEntryList: [] this will be populated by the action during execution of the pipeline stage (i.e. when the built package is uploaded to S3) with the following structure: "{'artifactName': {'S3Location': {'bucket': 'mybucketname', 'key': 'path/to/built/package/*.zip/*.zip'}}}" this is a JSON string that contains the S3 bucket and key where the built package is stored in the format specified above (i.e. "bucket=mybucketname,key=path/to/built/package/*.zip/*.zip") this is a JSON string that contains the S3 bucket and key where the built package is stored in the format specified above (i.e. "bucket=mybucketname,key=path/to/built/package/*.zip/*.zip") this is a JSON string that contains the S3 bucket and key where the built package is stored in the format specified above (i.g. "bucket=mybucketname,key=path/to/built/package/*.zip/*.zip") this is a JSON string that contains the S3 bucket and key where the built package is stored in the format specified above (i.e. "bucket=mybucketname,key=path/to/built/package/*.zip/*.zip") this is a JSON string that contains the S3 bucket and key where the built package is stored in the format specified above (i.e. "bucket=mybucketname,key=path/to/built/package/*.zip/*.zip") this is a JSON string that contains the S3 bucket and key where the built package is stored in the format specified above (i.e. "bucket=mybucketname,key=path/to/built/package/*.zip/*.zip") this is a JSON string that contains the S3 bucket and key where the built package is stored in the format specified above (i.e. "bucket=mybucketname,key=path/to/built/package/*.zip/*
我在用这类站群服务器、还可以. 用很多年了。