





1. 了解VPC网络插件


2. 查看当前集群的网络配置


kubectl get svc n kubesystem


3. 修改集群的网络配置


kubectl get cm n kubesystem kubeproxyconfig oyaml > kubeproxyconfig.yaml


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: kubeproxyconfig
  namespace: kubesystem
  config.yaml: |+
    apiVersion: kubeproxy.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1
    kind: KubeProxyConfiguration
    mode: "ipvs"
      scheduler: "rr"
      strictARP: true
      minSyncPeriod: 30s
      maxSyncPeriod: 300s
      resyncPeriod: 30s
      failbackDelay: 30s
      persistPeriod: 5m0s
      syncPeriod: 30s
      udpTimeoutMillis: 2ms
      tcpTimeoutMillis: 45ms
      congestionWindowBufSizeMB: 16
      congestionWindowMultFactor: 2
      expectedMasterCount: 1000000000
      fastResyncThreshold: 5m0s
      conntrackTimeoutMillis: 90ms
      tcpCloseWaitTimeoutMillis: 3m0s
      tcpEstablishedTimeoutMillis: 3m0s
      tcpKeepaliveTimeMillis: 2m0s
      tcpKeepaliveIntervalMillis: 75s
      tcpFinTimeoutMillis: 5m0s
      httpCheckFrequencySeconds: 60s
      httpCheckMaxFailures: 3
      httpCheckValidStatusCodes: "200399"
      httpCheckPath: "/healthz"
      inboundConnectionBufferBytes: 64kB
      outboundConnectionBufferBytes: 64kB
      streamIdleTimeoutSeconds: 30m0s
      connectionTimeoutSeconds: 5m0s
      readBufferSizeBytes: 128kB
      writeBufferSizeBytes: 128kB
      statsWriterIntervalSeconds: 30s
      bindAddress: "" # IP of the node, e.g. "" or "::1" (IPv6) or "auto" (use interface IP) or empty string for all interfaces (default)
      metricsBindAddress: "" # IP of the node, e.g. "" or "::1" (IPv6) or "auto" (use interface IP) or empty string for all interfaces (default)
      healthzBindAddress: "" # IP of the node, e.g. "" or "::1" (IPv6) or "auto" (use interface IP) or empty string for all interfaces (default)
      enableProfiling: false # whether to enable prometheus profiler for this KubeProxy instance (default false)
      disableContentionProfiling: false # whether to disable contention prometheus profiler for this KubeProxy instance (default false)
      nodePortRangeMin: "" # minimum port number for NodePort service (default auto) if not set, it will be determined by the cluster CIDR and the default range is from 30000 to 32767, e.g. "32767" or "auto" or empty string for auto detection (default auto) if not set, it will be determined by the cluster CIDR and the default range is from 30000 to 32767, e.g. "32767" or "auto" or empty string for auto detection (default auto) if not set, it will be determined by the cluster CIDR and the default range is from 30000 to 32767, e.g. "32767" or "auto" or empty string for auto detection (default auto) if not set, it will be determined by the cluster CIDR and the default range is from 30000 to 32767, e.g. "32767" or "auto" or empty string for auto detection (default auto) if not set, it will be determined by the cluster CIDR and the default range is from 30000 to 32767, e.g. "32767" or "auto" or empty string for auto detection (default auto) if not set, it will be determined by the cluster CIDR and the default range is from 30000 to 32767, e.g. "32767" or "auto" or empty string for auto detection (default auto) if not set, it will be determined by the cluster CIDR and the default range is from 30000 to 32767, e.g. "32767" or "auto" or empty string for auto detection (default auto) if not set, it will be determined by the cluster CIDR and the default range is from 30000 to 32767, e.g. "32767" or "auto" or empty string for auto detection (default auto) if not set, it will be determined by the cluster CIDR and the default range is from 30000 to 32767, e.g. "32767" or "auto" or empty string for auto detection (default auto) if not set, it will是深圳ABCDF的交换机CIDR分别为`10.0.


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