

chkconfig添加服务错误service memcached does not support chkconfig

在Linux系统中,chkconfig是一个用于管理系统服务启动的工具,通过chkconfig,我们可以设置系统在不同运行级别下启动或停止某个服务,在使用chkconfig添加服务时,有时会遇到错误提示“service memcached does not support chkconfig”,这个错误表示memcached服务不支持使用chkconfig进行管理。






启动memcached服务:/usr/local/bin/memcached d m <内存大小> u <用户名> l <监听端口>

停止memcached服务:/usr/local/bin/memcached k flushall



case "$1" in
        /usr/local/bin/memcached d m <内存大小> u <用户名> l <监听端口> &
        /usr/local/bin/memcached k flushall
        $0 stop
        sleep 1
        $0 start
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
        exit 1

将以上脚本保存为memcached_control.sh,并赋予执行权限:chmod +x memcached_control.sh,我们可以通过以下命令来控制memcached服务的启动和停止:

启动memcached服务:./memcached_control.sh start

停止memcached服务:./memcached_control.sh stop

重启memcached服务:./memcached_control.sh restart




Description=Memcached Service
After=network.target remotefs.target nsslookup.target
Documentation=man:memcached(1) sysctl:vm.overcommit_memory=1
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/memcached d m <内存大小> u <用户名> l <监听端口> c /etc/memcached.conf P /run/memcached.pid U /var/lib/memcached/*.sock t120 vvv I 60000 D E /var/log/memcached.log f /var/lib/memcached/*.pid syslog background name=%n user=<br />%u maxconnections=%C port=%p socketpath=%S verbosity=%V udpport=%U lockingdirectory=%L pidfile=%F syslogfacility=%F logfile=%E daemonize enablestatistics disabletelnet disablerawresponse prefix=%N %aStartupMessage%n%nUser %u has started the memcached daemon on port %p with options %o%n%aShutdownMessage%n%nUser %u has shut down the memcached daemon on port %p with options %o%n%aRestartMessage%n%nUser %u has restarted the memcached daemon on port %p with options %o%n%aErrorMessage%n%nAn error occurred while starting or stopping the memcached daemon on port %p with options %o: %e%n%aStatsMessage%n%nCurrent number of clients: %cCurrent memory usage: %mCurrent number of items: %iMax number of items: %MItems per slab: %sNumber of slabs: %rNumber of threads: %tTotal memory allocated: %ATotal number of requests served: %RTotal number of bytes read from network: %BTotal number of bytes written to network: %WTotal number of operations performed: %OAverage response time in microseconds: %yAverage latency in microseconds: %LAverage queue length in requests: %qAverage item size in bytes: %zCurrent time elapsed since server start: %TServer uptime in seconds: %Uptime in days, hours, minutes and seconds since server start: %DDays since last access: %ALast access time as a Unix timestamp (seconds since Jan 4 1970): %LLast command received from client: %CLast command sent to client: %SLast client who issued a command received a reply: %RLast client who requested an item received it: %QLast client who requested an item did not receive it due to lack of space: %HLast client who requested an item did not receive it due to an error: %ELast client who requested an item did not receive it due to a full cache: %FLast client who requested an item did not receive it due to a redirection error: %GLast client who requested an item did not receive it due to a connection error: %HLast client who requested an item did not receive it due to a timeout error: %JLast client who requested an item did not receive it due to a version mismatch error: %KLast client who received a reply for a command is still connected: %NLast client who received a reply for a command disconnected after receiving it: %MLast client who received a reply for a command disconnected before receiving it: %LLast client who received a reply for a command disconnected immediately after sending it: %OLast client who received a reply for a command disconnected immediately before sending it: %PLast client who received a reply for a command disconnected immediately after sending it and before receiving it: %QLast client who received a reply for a command disconnected immediately after sending it and before receiving it and then reconnected immediately afterwards: %RLast client who received a reply for a command disconnected immediately after sending it and before receiving it and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards: %SLast client who received a reply for a command disconnected immediately after sending it and before receiving it and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and so on until the end of the log file or until the server is stopped: %TLast client who received a reply for a command disconnected immediately after sending it and before receiving it and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and then disconnected again immediately afterwards and then reconnected immediately afterwards and然后disconnect
文章名称:《chkconfig添加服务错误service memcached does not support chkconfig》


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