Icinga Web 2:用于创建和管理Icinga的Web界面。
Icinga DB:用于存储Icinga的数据。
Icinga LDAP:用于从LDAP目录中获取用户和主机信息。
Icinga NTP:用于同步网络时间。
Icinga PuppetDB:用于从PuppetDB中获取主机信息。
Icinga GeoIP:用于根据IP地址获取地理位置信息。
Icinga Command:用于执行外部命令并检查其输出。
Icinga File Integrity:用于检查文件的完整性。
Icinga Scripts:用于执行自定义脚本。
Icinga Director:用于管理多个Icinga实例。
define host {
use linuxserver;
hostname webserver;
define service {
host_name webserver;
service_description HTTP Server;
check_command http://localhost:80/;
check_interval 5;
normal_check_interval 2;
retry_check_interval 3;
check_period 24×7;
contact_groups admins;
max_check_attempts 3;
check_freshness 5;
event_handlers critical, flapping;
# httpdown.conf template for notifications sent when the HTTP server is down.
# This file is located at /etc/icinga/templates/notifications/httpdown.conf by default.
# To customize the contents of this file, you can create a copy in your own home directory and make changes there.
# For more information about customizing notification templates, see the documentation at: http://docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/NotificationTemplates.html#customizingnotificationtemplates
define host{ $host_name } {
host_name $host_name; # The name of the host that is down. For example: webserver, dbserver, etc.
use generichost; # Use the generichost template definition for this host notification. See below for available macros and variables that you can use in this template: http://docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/NotificationTemplates.html#macrosandvariablesavailableinthegenerichosttemplate
} # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the host that is down ends here. Do not remove or add any lines to this section! If you want to change the look of the notification, do so in the "Notification" section below instead! # end define host{ $host_name } # host definition for the
我在用这类站群服务器、还可以. 用很多年了。